The expectations of the civil society and local communities have evolved considerably in recent years and have become increasingly sensitive to the ethical/social behaviour of companies.
For this reason, our dyeing group has taken steps to undertake a socially responsible organisational/management path to interface with its employees and with its customers, suppliers and partners, with other companies, with public institutions, with the community in which it operates and the environment in which we live.
For this purpose, a Sustainability Committee has been set up to deal with all the issues that refers to the concept of sustainability: ethical behaviour towards stakeholders, traceability, process and product certification, quality, health and safety of employees, and reduction of the environmental impact.
Aiming at a complete transparency, the results achieved in these areas and the objectives that we set are explicated and measured in a corporate dashboard available to our employees, customers and suppliers who wish to view it. This is constantly updated to show us where we are and where we are going, thanks to the use of objective and measurable indicators.
For example, we have a dynamic measurement of the numerical trend of the company population with distinctions by sex and age, training hours performed (last but not least, a course on energy saving for all employees), the expiry dates in terms of safety and CPI, the number of accidents by type,
any anonymous reports provided by our employees for the improvement of the internal working method, economic quantification of donations to entities in our territory, energy measurements per unit of product, measurements of internal non-compliance and external complaints, measurements of dyes and chemicals per unit of product….

The Committee meets regularly to assess and update the situation and benefits from the different company figures who make up the Committee and who deal with the various issues.
In order to highlight some of the main points, some of the interventions carried out:
- Adoption of a corporate code of conduct
- Availability to audit activities by our customers, who are increasingly attentive to sharing best practices in terms of environmental and social sustainability;
- Continuous updating and selection of chemicals that comply with the most restrictive standards;
- Construction of photovoltaic systems
- Investment in the latest generation of high-efficiency/low-emission steam generators;
- In-house laboratory permanently engaged in the research of improved processes from the point of view of energy/water/polluting impact
- Heat exchangers for heat recovery from high-temperature wastewater discharges
- LED lights in every department
- Sensors of presence for automatic regulation of lighting on/off
- Hot insulation of hydraulic circuits

Al fine di diffondere cultura di prevenzione e primo soccorso, oltre a salvaguardare la salute dei nostri collaboratori e dell’intera comunità, nell’anno 2022 abbiamo installato in tutti i nostri siti produttivi un defibrillatore.
Nell’arresto cardiaco c’è un problema nel sistema elettrico del cuore che, non pompando più il sangue nell’organismo, mette a rischio la vita delle persone. Il defibrillatore è un dispositivo che, generando una scarica elettrica di brevissima durata ma ad alta energia, crea uno shock che interrompe questa condizione e permette al cuore di partire nuovamente a battere con un ritmo regolare.
Il nostro personale è stato adeguatamente formato all’eventuale utilizzo di questo dispositivo salvavita e l’apparecchio è, come da disposizioni legislative, censito presso la centrale operativa del sistema di emergenza sanitaria «118» territorialmente competente e quindi a disposizione della collettività.